Container Init Value
The Container component can use the data
attribute to give the component initial value.
<br />After all component is initialized, the state:
"demo": {
"name": "helloworld"
If the name value of the component is the same as the key of the initialization value, the component will also get the initial value at initialization time. <iframe src="" title="8lw34678o0" style="width:100%; height:500px; border:0; border-radius: 4px; overflow:hidden;" sandbox="allow-modals allow-forms allow-popups allow-scripts allow-same-origin" mark="crwd-mark"></iframe>
## Dynamic initialization
Each value in the data property can be an anonymous function.
This anonymous function is not passed to the component as a normal function. Instead, it is executed after the component is initialized, and the return value of the function is taken as the initial state of the component.
```jsx harmony <container model="demo" data={{ other: 'other value', name: ({$data}) => 'helloworld ' + $data.other }} />
<br />After all component is initialized, the state:
"demo": {
"other": "other value",
"name": "helloworld other value"